7 Best Team Up Abilities Ranked

7 Best Team Up Abilities Ranked

A common practice in hero shooters is to have flashy abilities that attract a unique player base, and Marvel Rivals isn’t an exception.

However, what I found the most interesting in the game are Team-up buffs that certain characters receive during the season when a certain team composition is formed.

With an extra ability in your arsenal, you get access to a special skill that can majorly impact the enemy team.

Form your team around a particular set of heroes, and you might just find that wins come a lot easier and a lot more consistently.

That said, let’s go over our 7 Best Marvel Rivals Team-Up ability picks.

7 Esu Alumnus

Spider-Man And Squirrel Girl

7 Best Team Up Abilities Ranked

Spider-Man’s Season Bonus

+10% Damage Boost

Webbed Acorn

Squirrel Girl can use a web bomb to unleash an explosion upon contact with the environment or an enemy, briefly immobilizing and damaging enemies caught in the blast.

In my opinion, Squirrel Girl is an underrated Duelist. She can instantly reposition, reset her cooldown, and deal AoE damage with her basic attacks.

With an AoE crowd control ability, she can focus on the enemy tanks and chip away a significant portion of their health. I often use crowd control on enemies with Squirrel Girl and have the acorns do their thing.

What I love about Squirrel Girl is her acorns can bounce off walls, helping to clear tight corners where enemy Strategists might be hiding. Overall, the team-up helps Squirrel Girl massively while giving Spider-Man a slight damage boost.

Being a mobile character who moves around the map and flanks enemies, whatever damage bonus you can get for him will help your team clear the backline.

6 Lunar Force

Cloak & Dagger And Moon Knight

lunar force

Cloak & Dagger’s Season Bonus

+15% Healing Bonus

Full Moon

Cloak & Dagger can inject light and dark energy into Moon Knight to create a Light & Dark Realm where Moon Knight can become invisible.

Moon Knight’s basic attacks ricochet among enemies, which makes him an outstanding DPS character. They feel like Overwatch’sGenji’s shurikens, so in short, pretty devastating.

Being projectiles, they take time to reach the enemy, which means you have to use that brain juice to anticipate their movement and line up each shot.

However, with the invisible ability, you can help your flanker to take our enemy Strategists or even Vanguards. Moon Knight can easily take down enemies at the best of times, but if the baddies can’t see you, what hope do they have?

Lastly, Cloak & Dagger can always pocket you (if your teammate agrees) with their healing to control an area, which is a nice addition to the team.

5 Voltaic Union

Thor, Storm, And Captain America

voltaic union

Thor’s Season Bonus

+100 Max Health

Charged Gale

Storm can unleash a lightning barrage.

Charged Aegis

Captain America gains a Movement Boost, and shield electrocutes nearby enemies.

Storm has limited abilities, so having an extra one in her kit is a fantastic addition. However, the key focus of this Team-up is on Captain America, a dive tank that fights at the frontlines and can also breach enemies’ backlines.

Sharp reactions are a must because Captain is Marvel Rivals’ Usain Bolt. You can sprint past enemies, breach their backline, poke them at your will, and still return safely. That’s how versatile Captain America’s abilities are.

Granting him an extra ability is the cherry on the cake because it’ll help him benefit from extra firepower to fight multiple enemies simultaneously.


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4 Atlas Bond

Iron Fist And Luna Snow

atlas bond

Iron Fist’s Season Bonus

+15% Damage Boost

Frozen Chi

Luna Snow transforms her ice power into a frosty ring that can launch up enemies with chilling damage, apply a slowing effect, and heal allies.

Iron Fist is one of the trickiest heroes to master. But once you do, you can give enemies a really torrid time with high mobility, crowd control, and serious damage.

I wouldn’t say he’s the best to play on High ELO, but he’s a pretty solid pick for lower and mid-ranks. You only need to find a lonely Strategist or Duelist and tirelessly punch them. Job done.

With his team-up buffing Luna Snow’s ability, she can avoid a potential flank by throwing off enemies and slowing them down.

Being agile heroes, it wouldn’t hurt to pocket Iron Fist to flank enemies while healing other heroes here and there.

3 Ammo Overload

Rocket Raccoon, The Punisher & Winter Soldier

ammo overload

Rocket Raccoon’s Season Bonus

+5% Healing Bonus

Infinite Punishment/Grit

The Punisher and Winter Soldier receive buffs of Infinite Ammo and Faster Firing.

The healing bonus isn’t game-changing for Rocket Raccoon, but the infinite ammo bonus for the Punisher and Winter Soldier is. Both top-tier DPS characters can melt enemy tanks in a few seconds.

Winter Soldier’s ability to pull enemies towards him (like Overwatch’s Roadhog) can instantly take out enemy Duelists or Strategists with a few hits.

Whereas The Punisher can forget about reloading while melting heroes thanks to the infinite ammo Rocket provides.

If you see an enemy Venom receiving massive heals, have your Rocket Raccoon deploy the equipment and melt him down before he starts charging at your Strategists, or you’ll soon see him greeting you up close with that signature smile of his.


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2 Chilling Charisma

Luna Snow, Namor, And Jeff The Land Shark

chilling charisma

Luna Snow’s Season Bonus

+15% Healing Bonus

Frozen Spawn/Spitball

Namor and Jeff, The Land Shark, can tap into ice energy to power up abilities at will.

If you’re running a team full of healers, this team-up is damn near essential, as the buff you receive is enough to keep your allies alive and put your enemies on ice.

There aren’t many team-ups where all the heroes are somewhat good, but Luna Snow, Namor, and Jeff are all decent picks, making this a great comp with an added bonus. Win-win.

Luna gets a healing bonus, but Jeff and Namor’s slowing abilities are the real boon here. Enemies will have a tough time closing the distance and giving an advantage against potential flankers who may come for our cute little Jeff.

1 Guardian Revival

Adam Warlock, Mantis, And Star-Lord

guardian revival

Adam Warlock’s Season Bonus

+15% Healing Bonus

Nature’s Soul/Leader’s Soul

Adam Warlock grants the power of cocooned revival to Mantis and Star-Lord

The match is lost from the start if your strategists can’t survive because you’ll keep dying, and no amount of hero-swapping will help you. Strategists are key to a team’s survival, so you always want them on the field.

Adam Warlock and Mantis are very potent healers in team compositions, and they can restore your entire team’s HP in a few seconds. Not to mention, Star-Lord is a very effective DPS attacker.

However, what makes them better as a trio is that Adam Warlock can revive the Guardians in select scenarios, meaning death is not necessarily the end.

With Adam Warlock’s cocooned revival ability, you can clutch potential “Overtime” scenarios where you just need a few seconds to win the match.

I’m a fan of Adam Warlock and Mantis’ team-up simply because of how good their healing is, but this is a welcome bonus, and the best the game has to offer in the way of Team Ups at this moment.


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