Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed Trailer

Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed Trailer

Disney is coming out the gate storming on the heels of the Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase this week. Disney Epic Mickey Rebrushed has been confirmed as a redo of the original cartoony platforming adventure. As of now, it’s confirmed as coming to Xbox, PlayStation, Switch and PC. The game was revealed as part of the latest Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase, and will see the title getting the full remaster treatment, with new visuals and gameplay elements.

The plot sees everyone’s favorite cartoon mouse messing about in a land with his mystical art powers. He inks and sketches his way through various levels, contending with menacing enemies all the while. The magical paintbrush and paint you carry are used to solve puzzles and create alternate paths through each level, trying to find Mickey a way out.

As for what specifically to expect, that’s a bit up in the air. This is a pretty old game by modern standards, given that it originally came out in 2010. So controls and various gameplay foibles will need to be smoothed out. And judging from the trailer, we’re looking at a fairly standard visual overhaul more than anything else.

Sadly, the reception to the original game wasn’t all positive. A variety of reviews and gamers alike cited a litany of issues that dragged down the original experience. From control issues making it hard to wrangle the games mechanics, to a lack of popular characters in the narrative, there are things to worry about. With this modernized port, expect graphics to get a mild overhaul at best, and for controls to be adapted to the new platforms. Beyond that though, there’s very little transformative variety storyboarded for this renewed piece of art.

Check out the trailer for the new game’s version down below.

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