Dungeons 4 – Not Another Multiverse Brings a New Twist on Evil

Dungeons 4 – Not Another Multiverse Brings a New Twist on Evil

Dungeons 4 – Not Another Multiverse Brings a New Twist on EvilDungeons 4 – Not Another Multiverse Brings a New Twist on Evil
Dungeons 4 Not Another Multiverse – even more evil

If it’s more of the strategic fantasy title known as Dungeons 4 you are after, then you are very much in luck. Today marks the release of the latest expansion for Realmforge Studios and Kalypso Media’s silly but complex strategy / tower-defense title, as Dungeons 4 – Not Another Multiverse brings in a new mini-campaign and a range of unique hero buildings to take into battle.

Welcome to the Multiverse

Available today on Xbox, PlayStation and PC consoles, Dungeons 4 – Not Another Miltiverse follows the silly duo of Thalya and Tristan as they join forces to take down an invading horde of demonic creatures. 

Across three detailed missions, you’ll make use of new ‘Team Good’ skills to take down the villainous minions that will be threatening your buildings.

And talking about buildings, the path to success in Dungeons 4 is to erect a ton of hero buildings in the Overworld, in order to stand the best chance against your foes. The Not Another Multiverse DLC features 15 new hero buildings, which can be deployed across the three fully-voiced missions.

Additionally, the ‘Dynamic Sibling Duo’ skirmish map is a brand-new way to test out the new Team Good skills that you’ll be making use of.

Dungeons 4 – Not Another Multiverse Key Features

  • When Evil fights Evil and joins forces with Good, is Good being Evil? You can revel in this philosophical question while, for the first time in the series’ history, in Dungeons 4 – Not Another Multiverse you control Tristan, his spells and his hero minions to venture against a common adversary, who is somehow even MORE evil than Thalya. WHAT?
  • A Multiverse Right at your Partly-Evil Fingertips: A new mini-campaign, spanning 3 new and fully voiced missions leading you through the challenges of a new multiverse while working together with the pesky stepbrother of Thalya.
  • Leave a new mark on the Overworld: With your freshly formed – and still bizarre, I care to add – bond, you are now able to build 15 hero buildings on the Overworld, where you can recruit and upgrade heroes to strengthen your Army of Good (did I really write this? Yuck)
  • Skirmish Time: Train your freshly acquired “Team Good” skills and find out how to really work and slay together in a brand-new skirmish map “Dynamic Sibling Duo”.
  • Blend in with the Good! To blend into the hero community (again, this is born out of pure necessity, we are forced to emphasize) Thalya gets a new, heroic (blurgh) outfit.

Play Now!

Dungeons 4 – Not Another Multiverse is available on Xbox Series X|S, PS5 and PC. You can pick up a copy for yourself via the Xbox Store

Make sure to check out our full review of the base game of Dungeons 4 on Xbox from earlier this year, before you make a purchase!

Readers should note that Dungeons 4 – Not Another Multiverse is not available on Xbox One.

Dungeons 4 – Not Another Multiverse Description

In Dungeons 4 – Not Another Multiverse Tristan opens a gate… and all hell breaks loose. On his search for aid against Evil (HA!), this silly fool of a stepbrother stumbled across the Murky Portal and opened it (d’oh). Tristan and Thalya are thrown into yet another multiverse and Thalya makes an astounding discovery: The demonic and hordic inhabitants hate them BOTH. There is only one way out of this – and it’s by joining the forces of Evil and Good to find a way back into your own world where there’s still the natural order of things. Go on, brave heroes…uhm… evil minions… Whatever! Get us out of here!


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