How To Get A Flying Pal

How To Get A Flying Pal

In Palworld, you’ll come across certain Pals that can be used as mounts.

There are actually a couple of Pals that can fly and it makes exploration easier.

Here’s how you can get a flying Pal in Palworld.


How to get a flying Pal

There are a few Pals that can fly around if you make a saddle for it. The lowest level Pal you will find at first is probably Nitewing.

Use a bow to shoot Nitewing down and you can then fight it on the ground. Capture Nitewing.

How To Get A Flying Pal

You will likely need to level up next as you need to reach level 15 to unlock the Nitewing Saddle in the Technology tab.

Palworld: How To Fly

Once you’ve unlocked it, you can make a Nitewing Saddle at the Pal Gear Workbench.

It requires Leather, Cloth, Ingot, Fiber and Paldium Fragment.

Palworld: How To Get A Flying Pal

You’ll come across more flying Pals as you explore the world but Nitewing is probably the easiest to get at first.


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