How To Make Guns In The Game

How To Make Guns In The Game

Palworld has been heavily promoted as an open world Pokemon game with guns, and it’s quite accurate.

At a certain point in the game, you can start making guns to aid your exploration.

Here’s how you can make guns in Palworld.


How to make guns

First of all, you need to reach level 20. You will then see the Weapon Workbench inside your Technology tab.

Unlock that and you can start making guns, apart from the usual melee weapons or bows.

How To Make Guns In The Game

You should then unlock the Musket at level 21 on the Technology tab as well.

Palworld: How To Craft A Musket

Once you’ve unlocked both, build a Weapon Workbench in your base. It requires Ingot, Wood and Nail.

You can then start crafting the first gun in the game, i.e. the Musket. You also need to unlock gunpowder and coarse ammo on the Technology tab. They’re basically needed to make ammo for your Musket.

As you progress further, you’ll unlock more weapons.

Palworld: How To Make Guns In The Game


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