How to unlock ranked in Marvel Rivals

How to unlock ranked in Marvel Rivals

The ranked mode for Marvel Rivals is formally called the competitive queue, and. Here, you can really test your mettle and prove yourself against your fellow players. But Marvel Rivals’ ranked mode isn’t immediately accessible when you first start playing.

In this Marvel Rivals guide, we’ll walk you through how to unlock ranked mode, how the competitive queue works, and what you get for participating in it.

How to unlock ranked mode in Marvel Rivals

To unlock the ranked playlist in Marvel Rivals, you need to get your account level to level 10. Depending on how you perform, this will likely take you between 25 to 40 quick play matches. Because quick play matches live up to their name, this could take you less than five hours with the game, but likely much closer to three or four.

Once you’ve unlocked competitive mode, it’s unlocked forever, and you’ll be able to hop in each season to showcase your talent.

How ranked mode works in Marvel Rivals

A look at the ranked ladder in Marvel Rivals

Image: NetEase Games via Polygon

There are a few differences between the quick play and ranked modes.

For example, each match will allow both teams to play both offense and defense in a mode like Convoy, and the winner is determined by who makes it the furthest. Most modes attempt to remove some of the randomness that’s offered by quick play, ensuring that both sides have close to an equal chance of winning at the start of the match.

As you win games in the competitive playlist, you’ll get points. As you earn more points and ascend through the tiers, you’ll eventually push into a new rank, like going from bronze to silver or gold to platinum. You’ll also lose points if you lose a match (unless you earn the SVP award for your team). You can only group up and match with players who are in an adjacent rank to you. So a silver player could play with bronze or gold players, but not platinum players.

From lowest to highest, the ranks are as follows:

  1. Bronze
  2. Silver
  3. Gold
  4. Platinum
  5. Diamond
  6. Grandmaster
  7. Eternity
  8. One Above All

Starting in Eternity, you’ll no longer have tiers for your rank, and will instead just accumulate points as you play, allowing you to reach for that One Above All (top 500) spot. Eternity is the only rank where your points will start to decay if you don’t play long enough.

Ranked play rewards in Marvel Rivals

A golden Moon Knight skin from ranked play in Marvel Rivals

Image: NetEase Games via Polygon

As you ascend, you’ll unlock certain rewards for your account. Starting at gold, you’ll get a special ranked-only skin. For the game’s pre-season (season 0), it’s a golden Moon Knight skin called Golden Moonlight. At Grandmaster, you’ll unlock some flair for your nameplate to showcase how good you are. And if you reach One Above All by being a top 500 player at the end of the season, you’ll earn an even better flair for your nameplate.

Your rewards are based on the highest rank you achieved in a given season, so even if you reach gold and lose until you get knocked back down into silver, you’ll still get the special skin when the season ends.

For more Marvel Rivals guides, here’s a list of all known codes, all Team-Up abilities, all maps and modes, and a look at the game’s roadmap.


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