How to Use Weapon Set Skill Points in Path of Exile 2

How to Use Weapon Set Skill Points in Path of Exile 2

Path of Exile 2 is now playable on early access, and it introduces a lot of new systems and mechanics that are essentially improvements over the already solid foundation they had in the first game. It can be a bit overwhelming as a new player, especially with stuff like weapon sets being able to use different passive skill nodes. In this guide, we will try to help you with that!

How to Use Weapon Set Skill Points

Before we begin, on the off chance that you do not know how to do so already, check out our guide on how to swap weapon sets first. That should help you regardless of whether you are on a controller or using a keyboard.

Now, at the passive skill tree, you will probably notice that there is a couple of “weapon set” options on the upper right corner of the interface. What you can do is click on the arrow beside each set and then allocate skill points on your passive tree like normal.

This is going to be a bit confusing at first, but basically, what this does is that it lets you create a “separate” passive skill path for each weapon set. These are not extra skill points. Take this, for example:

How to Use Weapon Set Skill Points in Path of Exile 2

As you can see in the example, it says that each weapon set has two points each that you can allocate, but you also have your actual skill points above. If you take a look at the rightmost corner, you will see a number in a parenthesis. This represents how many points you can allocate overall.

If you allocate points normally, they will apply to both weapon sets. However, if you click on the arrow for either weapon set and start allocating points that way, then your skill points will go down as normal, but the passives you choose will only apply to that specific set.

Although your normal skill points will decrease as you allocate them to a weapon set, you will notice that the ones for the other set are left untouched. If you click the arrow for that set, you can then slap it onto different nodes, essentially creating a whole separate branch specifically for that weapon.

Depending on what weapon you are currently holding, the branch for that set should light up in the skill tree if you allocated separate points for it, while the other will be dim. Weapon set 1 will have a red line, while weapon set 2 is green.

NOTE: If you start allocating points on top of one of these branches, then they will simply be added to your regular path and you can then re-allocate that specific weapon set’s points elsewhere.

POE 2 example of weapon set skill points allocated

It is a pretty convoluted mechanic, and you really do not need to do this unless you have some very niche builds in mind. For the average player, you can simply allocate stuff normally and never have to deal with this until much later, if ever.

That is all you need to know when it comes to these skill points. It can be a bit confusing to explain, but we assure you that it will all make sense if you try it out for a bit. Again, it is highly recommended to just ignore this mechanic for now, unless you are doing some heavy theorycrafting and are cooking up a very specific build.


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