The bug fixing will continue until gameplay improves, ideally: Shroud of the Avatar has put forth its latest set of update notes and newsletter, which detail the fixes applied in Release 132 and promises more fixing and updates into the new year.
Catnip Games says that next year will feature a focus on bug squashing, a “massive amount of dungeon work,” and efforts to map the game so it can be audited properly, as well as an attempt to better organize development in order to “spend less critical time on recurring things like Monthly and Subscriber Login Rewards.”
As for R132, that once more continues SOTA’s year-end rounds of polishing and improvement. Some of these granular updates include a fix for a tent collision, an icon for a specific item, adjustments to certain map/scene building locations, and a few changes to player-owned town locations. The game is also offering up some seasonal cheer with a new Yule stocking recipe.