[SOLVED] Skyrim Keeps Crashing Problem Issue

[SOLVED] Skyrim Keeps Crashing Problem Issue

Skyrim is a gem in role-playing action-adventure games, and the game has a vast world to do side quests. With more than 90 hours of gameplay, the game features stunning graphics, an immersive storyline, and beautiful soundtracks. The game has been released for all the major platforms, including Xbox, PlayStation, and PC. Today’s guide specifically talks about a very common issue PC users face while playing Skyrim. According to the users, whenever they launch the game, it crashes right after that; no matter how many times the game is launched, it always crashes. The aim of this guide is to give you some solutions to fix Skyrim keeps crashing issue.

[SOLVED] Skyrim Keeps Crashing Problem Issue[SOLVED] Skyrim Keeps Crashing Problem Issue

Causes of Skyrim Keeps Crashing Problem Issue

On gathering the solutions to fix the issue, we came up with some very common causes by which Skyrim keeps crashing Xbox One triggers. Users who have faced this issue have also confirmed these causes. For starters, a certain game version has a bug in which the auto-save functionality does not work correctly. While saving the progress of the game, the data gets corrupted right at that moment, and when the game automatically tries to resume the game from the saved progress, it crashes. Furthermore, there are some graphics and sound settings that you must change to prevent any crashes.

Similar Types of Skyrim Keeps Crashing Issue

  • Skyrim keeps crashing on startup
  • No mods
  • PS4
  • Skyrim keeps crashing on load
  • Xbox one
  • Skyrim crashing randomly
  • Skyrim crash fix
  • Xbox 360

How to Fix Skyrim Keeps Crashing Problem Issue

We have demonstrated all the possible ways to fix the Skyrim Keeps Crashing on Startup PC Issue below. All the methods have been tested and found to be working.

1. Install the Latest Patch

If you are constantly facing the modded Skyrim Keeps Crashing issues, make sure to check and install the latest patch or update given by the developers. Developers frequently post patches for the game if there are any issues with the game. Hopefully, by applying the patch, your issue will be resolved. 

  • STEP 1. Open up your browser and open this link
  • STEP 2. Now check if there is any patch available
  • STEP 3. If present, kindly download and install it to fix this Skyrim Keeps Crashing PC.

skyrim keeps crashingskyrim keeps crashing

2. Delete Autosave Files & Use Manual Save

As discussed earlier, the few game versions are prone to being buggy after some time, and the autosave functionality is affected. Every time the progress is saved, the file gets corrupted. To fix this, Skyrim keeps crashing on startup; you have to delete all the autosaved files and use manual save.

  • STEP 1. While you are running the game, press the ESC button 
  • STEP 2. From the menu list, click on the Save button to save the progress. Now every time you have to save the game, follow this step
  • STEP 3. Once done, minimize or close the game and go to the game directory
C:\Users\[UserName]\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves

skyrim keeps crashingskyrim keeps crashing

  • STEP 4. Now delete the Autosave files
  • STEP 5. Once done, you are good to play, and my Skyrim Keeps Crashing will not happen

3. Lower Down the Shadow Settings

If you still face the Skyrim Keeps Crashing to Desktop issue, try to lower the shadow settings. It’s a graphic setting; sometimes the system cannot handle the high texture, and graphics details shadow is one of those graphics settings. Users have confirmed that lowering it down fixes the issue.

  • STEP 1. While you are running the game, head to the main menu
  • STEP 2. From there, go to Options, then Advanced Options
  • STEP 3. Make sure that you are on the Detail tab, and below you will be able to see the Shadow settings
  • STEP 4. Make sure to put it low; once done, save the changes, and try running the game to eliminate Skyrim Keeps Crashing; no mods.

Shadow settingsShadow settings

3. Turn OFF ffdshow Audio Decoder

Another common cause behind Skyrim keeps crashing with mods issues is the active ffdshow audio decoder. Many users have confirmed that once you disable this, the game does not crash.

  • STEP 1. Go to the Start Menu and type ffdshow
  • STEP 2. From the search results, choose ffdshow audio decoder
  • STEP 3. On the left, make sure that you are on the DirectShow control section
  • STEP 4. Now on the right, tick on Don’t use ffdshow in and browse the skyrim.exe, which is located in the installation folder

ffdshow Audio Decoderffdshow Audio Decoder

  • STEP 5. Now save the changes, and your Skyrim Keeps Crashing Xbox One mod issue will be fixed

4. Change the Sound Quality to 24-bit

If the issue is still not fixed, then maybe Skyrim keeps crashing after a few minutes. The issue is the sound quality. Sound is a known issue with the game, as it cannot decode high quality. To fix this, follow the below steps.

  • STEP 1. Go to the bottom right of the system screen and right-click on the Volume icon
  • STEP 2. From the menu, choose Sound
  • STEP 3. Once you are in the Sound settings, head to the Playback tab
  • STEP4. Select speakers and whatever device you are using
  • STEP 5. Right-click on the device and go to the properties
  • STEP 6. Go to the Advanced tab; now, from the drop-down, choose 24bit 44100 Hz

skyrim keeps crashingskyrim keeps crashing

  • STEP 7. Once done, save the changes, and you are all set to run the game without any Skyrim Keeps Crashing PS4 issues


In the above troubleshooting guide, we have seen various methods to resolve the Skyrim keeps crashing. We have discussed the possible causes of the issue and demonstrated all the ways to eliminate the issue.

For more guides like this, Skyrim Keeps Crashing, follow us. Thank you!


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